Built to blend traditional and progressive surfing.


Built to blend traditional and progressive surfing.


FCS II MR Twin + Trailer Fins X Large - Black/Colour Swirl






Experience the newest and stunning version of the FCS II Mark Richards PC Carbon Twin + stabilizer fin set, now available.

This 2 + 1 fin combination showcases Mark Richards' iconic twin-fin template, celebrated for its exceptional speed and drive. The addition of a small stabilizer center fin introduces a touch of control without compromising the freedom and maneuverability characteristic of a twin-fin setup.

Ideally suited for a twin fin fish with a center box, this fin set can also bring enhanced agility to a modern wider tail groveller.

Construction-wise, the Performance Core (PC) design emulates the sensation of traditional glassed-on or fiberglass fins but with the added benefit of significantly reduced weight. Utilizing the Resin Transfer Moulding process, these fins offer a lightweight and flexible profile for a seamless ride and an aesthetically pleasing look.

Upgrade your surfing experience with the FCS II Mark Richards PC Carbon Twin + stabilizer fin set—perfect for those seeking a perfect balance of speed, control, and maneuverability.

Base: 5.06" / 128mm
Depth: 5.55" / 141mm
Area: 21.06"² / 13590mm²
Sweep: 32.1º
Foil: Flat

Base: 3.31" / 84mm
Depth: 3.34" / 85mm
Area: 8.23"² / 5307mm²
Sweep: 29.1º
Foil: Flat


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